Data, the primary asset of a company, is the most complex element to harness.
Merging, deduplicating, segmenting, enriching, cleansing, and analyzing this data for informed decision-making is the approach that NowBrains offers.
This approach is supported by analytical tools and/or AI to industrialize data exploitation.
Business Intelligence
How to harness a company’s data to make the most relevant decisions? It involves having the most suitable decision support tools to leverage your data.

Client Case Study
Family-owned Construction Company
Workforce : 50 employees
Localisation : Nantes
Reliable manually enriched reporting, process optimization for updates.
Support / Deployed Solution
Audit and analysis of the CFO’s needs, KPI identification, data cleansing, implementation of a tool (Power BI) by an expert, and creation of the expected reports.
Data Analyst
An integral part of Business Intelligence, it involves modeling data to create dashboards and reports with relevant indicators for decision-making.

Client Case Study
Industrial Sector
Workforce : 200 employees
Localisation : Bordeaux
Doubts about the KPIs used, a need to strengthen the analysis of indicators.
Support / Deployed Solution
KPIs reviewed and validated, reports created, and analysis of these new reports by the data analyst for concrete action plans.
Technological Innovation and AI
The goal of Artificial Intelligence is to simulate human intelligence through a machine capable of self-learning and using this ability to enhance certain work processes.

Client Case Study
Information Technology Sector for SMEs
Workforce : 12 employees
Localisation : Lyon, Paris, Bordeaux.
Enable customers to perform self-care on recurring topics.
Support / Deployed Solution
Automatic categorization of customer needs through a bot for immediate customer responses.
Machine Learning
Closely related to AI, it involves automated learning by robots of human and professional knowledge. The goal is to intelligently automate a machine’s ability to handle operational tasks to optimize team time.

Client Case Study
Embedded Software Sector
Workforce : 30 employees
Localisation : Paris
Optimize response time of teams to recurrent customer inquiries.
Support / Deployed Solution :
Bot learning via Conversational NLP Engine and Business NLP Engine. Deep learning for resolution and diagnostics.
Big Data / Small Data
Depending on the size of your company and your industry, data processing will have different stakes. Whether it’s Big or Small Data, it involves structuring, enriching, and leveraging your data for analysis (Business Intelligence) to aid decision-making and improve understanding (of customers, products, etc.).

Client Case Study
Large SME in Last-Mile Delivery Management
Workforce : 150 employees
Localisation : Paris
The ability to aggregate a large volume of real-time data for exploitation and real-time optimization of courier routes.
Support / Deployed Solution
Implementation of a database architecture that allows real-time data processing. Algorithms running every millisecond recalculate the best optimization choices for courier routes based on courier locations and new requests.